Ioannis Katsadonis MD, PhD
Honorary President of ZAEMA Dermatology & Venerology Department

1982: MD University of Thessaloniki (Magna cum Laude)
1990: Doctoral thesis (University of Athens) (Magna cum Laude)
1985-1986: Residenship, Dept Internal Medicine, Dafni Hospital Athens
1987-1990: Residenship, dept Dermatology, Univ. of Thessaloniki
1991-1997: Senior Registrar Dept Dermatology Univ Hospital of Heraclion
1994: Lecturer in Dermatology, Dept Dermatology Univ of Crete
1998: Senior Registrar , director of the AIDS Unit, Athens Psych. Hospital
1999 (Jan-Jul): PostGraduate National Health System Scholarship in: Free University of Berlin \ Dermatologic Clinic, Specialization: Adamantiades-Behcet disease
2004 Assistant Director Tzanio General Hospital of Pireas
2009 Full Director Dpt Dermatology Tzanio Gen Hospital
Greek Dermatology and Venereology society, Greek Medical Society
Greek Dermatologic Surgery society
European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology
Biology and cytoskeletal characteristics of skin cancer
Immunopathological mechanisms in skin autoimmune diseases-Bullous pemphigoid, allergic vasculitis-Development of new therapeutic modalities
Selectivity of photosensitizers and photodynamic treatment clinical course and pathogenetic mechanisms in Adamantiades-Behcet disease dermatologic Surgery
Laser applications-Laser Surgery aesthetic Dermatology-Fillers
1990-1997: Classroom seminar on teaching (medical students) Dermatology and Venereology.
1992- now: Clinical teaching seminars, dermatology, Venereology, Immunodermatology (laboratory, clinical), principles of Dermatologic surgery
2004-now: Teaching seminars and workshops in: Dermatologic Surgery, LASER and Aesthetic Dermatology
20 - International
42 - Greek
1. Kyriakis K., Tosca A., Katsantonis J., Detection of autoimmunity parameters in the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Int. J. Dermatol., 31 (2), 41-44, 1992
2. Gikas A., Katsantonis J., Zografakis E., Une double angeite d' origin virale, Medical staff (Infect), 19, 2-4.1991
3. Katsantonis J.C., Vlachonicolis I.G., Papavassiliou E., Tosca A.D. Immediate hypersensitivity parameters in Bullous pemphigoid. J. Eur. Acad. Dermatol. Vener., 3, 490-494, 1994
4. Kanavaros P., Ioannidou D., Tzardi M., Datseris G., Katsantonis J., Delidis G., Tosca A. Mycosis fungoides: Expression of c-myc , p-62, p-53, bcl 2 and PCNA proteins and absence of association with Epstein- Barr virus. Path. Res. Pract., 190, 767-774, 1994.
5. Mammalaki E., Katsantonis J., Papavassiliou S., Avgoustinaki P., Tosca A., A case of partial face sparing lipodystrophy combining features of generalized lipodystrophy. J. Am. Acad. Dermatol., 32, 130-133, 1995.
6. Katsantonis J., C., Koukouritaki S., Theodoropoulos P., Tosca A., Stournaras C., Differences in the G/ Total actin ratio and microfilament stability between normal and malignant human keratinocytes. Cell Bioch. Function, 12, 267-274, 1994.
7. Tosca A., Ioannidou D., Katsantonis J, Kyriakis K., Cyclosporin A in the treatment of cutaneous vasculitis. Clinical and cellular effects. J.Eur.Acad. Dermatol. Vener., 6, 135-141., 1996.
8. Tosca A., Balas K., Stefanidou M., Katsantonis J., Georgiou S., Tzardi M., Photodynamic treatment of skin malignancies with aminolevulinic acid. Dermatol. Surg., 22, 929-934, 1996.
9. Manios A., Katsantonis J., Tosca A., Skoulakis Ch., Tsiftsis D., The finite element method as a research and teaching tool in the analysis of local skin flaps. Dermatol. Surg., 22, 1029-1033, 1996.
10. Katsantonis J.C., Georgiou S., Providaki M., Vlachonikolis J., Tosca A., Collagen gel induced resistance of overlying keratinocyte cultures to photo sensitization. BIOS PROCCEDINGS, 3191-14., 1997.
11. Tosca A., Balas K., Stefanidou M., Katsantonis J., Georgiou S., Tzardi M., Helidonis E., Prediction of ALA-PDT efficasy through remote colour inspection and post therapy sequential histologic observations of skin malignancies. BIOS PROCEEDINGS, 3191-15, 1997.
12. Ch Zoubvoulis, J.C. Katsantonis, et al: Adamantiades -Behcet disease: Interieukin-8 is increased in serum of patients with active oral and neurological manifestations and is secreted by small vessel endothelial cells. Archives of Dermatological Research: 292, 279-84, 2000.
13. J.C. Katsantonis, Y. Adler, C. Orfano, Ch. Zouboulis: Adamantiades-Behcet disease: Serum IL-8 is a more reliable marker for disease activity than c-reactive protein and ESR. Dermatology 201, 37-39, 2000.
14. J C Katsantonis, J Protopsaltis, S. Kokkoris, P. Brestas, K. Aroni, Tournis S., Giannoulis G.: Systemic Sclerosis associated with generalized vasculitis and hypopituiratism. Rheumatology International: 28(11), 1165-8, 2008.
15. J . Protopsaltis, J. C. Katsantonis, S. Kokkoris, E. Agapitos, G. Lavranos, P . Korantzopoulos, Giannoulis G.: Isolated primary cardiac amyloidosis associated with porokeratosis of Mibelli. International Journal of Cardiology: 126 (2), 22-4, 2008.
16. I. Protopsaltis, A. Agelidi, H. J. Milionis, I. Katsantonis et al: More than Skin deep. American Journal of Medicine: 122 (9), 830-2, 2009
17. I. Protopsaltis, A. Drosou, I. Katsantonis, N. Roussos, K. Manoloudaki, M. Arvanitis, A. Papazafiropoulou, S. Antonopoulos: Breast cancer presenting as paraneoplastic erythroderma. Case Reports in Medicine: 2014-351065
18. Tambouratzi E, Platsidaki E, Grivas T, Katsantonis J.,: An unususal late onset of Icthyosis Hystrix . Skinmed: 2018, 16 (5), 365-7
19. Tampouratzi E, Kanni T, Katsantonis J, Douvali T., “Modified Mercedes flap- an effective reconstructive option for lower leg skin defects” Journal of Dermatological Treatment 2019, 31(6): 649-650
20. Tampouratzi E, Kanni T, Katsantonis J, Douvali T “Treating a combination of hidradenitis suppurativa and psoriasis with different therapeutic approaches [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review]”. F1000Research 2019
21. Tampouratzi E, Kanni T, Kapizioni X, Douvali T, Katsantinis J., “Resistant Atopic Dermatitis Successfully Treated with Omalizumab: Report of 2 Cases.” J Dermatol Surg Res Ther 2019 2(2): 81-83.
22. Tampouratzi E, Kanni T, Katsantonis J, Douvali T., “Psoriasis-COVID 19 Infection: Treatment options” Skinmed. 2020 Mar 1; 18(2):81-82. eCollection 2020
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