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Ioannis Katsadonis MD, PhD

Honorary President of ZAEMA Dermatology & Venerology Department 



  • 1982: MD University of Thessaloniki (Magna cum Laude)

  • 1990: Doctoral thesis (University of Athens) (Magna cum Laude)


  • 1985-1986: Residenship, Dept Internal Medicine, Dafni Hospital Athens

  • 1987-1990: Residenship, dept Dermatology, Univ. of Thessaloniki

  • 1991-1997: Senior Registrar Dept Dermatology Univ Hospital of Heraclion

  • 1994: Lecturer in Dermatology, Dept Dermatology Univ of Crete

  • 1998: Senior Registrar , director of the AIDS Unit, Athens Psych. Hospital

  • 1999 (Jan-Jul): PostGraduate National Health System Scholarship in: Free University of Berlin \ Dermatologic Clinic, Specialization: Adamantiades-Behcet disease

  • 2004 Assistant Director Tzanio General Hospital of Pireas

  • 2009 Full Director Dpt Dermatology Tzanio Gen Hospital


  • Greek Dermatology and Venereology society, Greek Medical Society

  • Greek Dermatologic Surgery society

  • European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology


  • Biology and cytoskeletal characteristics of skin cancer

  • Immunopathological mechanisms in skin autoimmune diseases-Bullous pemphigoid, allergic vasculitis-Development of new therapeutic modalities

  • Selectivity of photosensitizers and photodynamic treatment clinical course and pathogenetic mechanisms in Adamantiades-Behcet disease dermatologic Surgery

  • Laser applications-Laser Surgery aesthetic Dermatology-Fillers


  • 1990-1997: Classroom seminar on teaching (medical students) Dermatology and Venereology.

  • 1992- now: Clinical teaching seminars, dermatology, Venereology, Immunodermatology (laboratory, clinical), principles of Dermatologic surgery

  • 2004-now: Teaching seminars and workshops in: Dermatologic Surgery, LASER and Aesthetic Dermatology


  • 20 - International

  • 42 - Greek


1. Kyriakis K., Tosca A., Katsantonis J., Detection of autoimmunity parameters in the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Int. J. Dermatol., 31 (2), 41-44, 1992 

2. Gikas A., Katsantonis J., Zografakis E., Une double angeite d' origin virale, Medical staff (Infect), 19, 2-4.1991 

3. Katsantonis J.C., Vlachonicolis I.G., Papavassiliou E., Tosca A.D. Immediate hypersensitivity parameters in Bullous pemphigoid. J. Eur. Acad. Dermatol. Vener., 3, 490-494, 1994 

4. Kanavaros P., Ioannidou D., Tzardi M., Datseris G., Katsantonis J., Delidis G., Tosca A. Mycosis fungoides: Expression of c-myc , p-62, p-53, bcl 2 and PCNA proteins and absence of association with Epstein- Barr virus. Path. Res. Pract., 190, 767-774, 1994. 

5. Mammalaki E., Katsantonis J., Papavassiliou S., Avgoustinaki P., Tosca A., A case of partial face sparing lipodystrophy combining features  of generalized lipodystrophy. J. Am. Acad. Dermatol., 32, 130-133, 1995. 

6. Katsantonis J., C., Koukouritaki S., Theodoropoulos P., Tosca A., Stournaras C., Differences in the G/ Total actin ratio and microfilament stability between normal and malignant human keratinocytes. Cell Bioch. Function, 12, 267-274, 1994. 

7. Tosca A., Ioannidou D., Katsantonis J, Kyriakis K., Cyclosporin A in the treatment of cutaneous vasculitis. Clinical and cellular effects. J.Eur.Acad. Dermatol. Vener., 6, 135-141., 1996. 

8. Tosca A., Balas K., Stefanidou M., Katsantonis J., Georgiou S., Tzardi M., Photodynamic treatment of skin malignancies with aminolevulinic acid. Dermatol. Surg., 22, 929-934, 1996. 

9. Manios A., Katsantonis J., Tosca A., Skoulakis Ch., Tsiftsis D., The finite element method as a research and teaching tool in the analysis of local skin flaps. Dermatol. Surg., 22, 1029-1033, 1996. 

10. Katsantonis J.C., Georgiou S., Providaki M., Vlachonikolis J., Tosca A., Collagen gel induced resistance of overlying keratinocyte cultures to photo sensitization. BIOS PROCCEDINGS, 3191-14., 1997. 

11. Tosca A., Balas K., Stefanidou M., Katsantonis J., Georgiou S., Tzardi M., Helidonis E., Prediction of ALA-PDT efficasy through remote colour inspection and post therapy sequential histologic observations of skin malignancies. BIOS PROCEEDINGS, 3191-15, 1997. 

12. Ch Zoubvoulis, J.C. Katsantonis, et al: Adamantiades -Behcet disease: Interieukin-8 is increased in serum of patients with active oral and neurological manifestations and is secreted by small vessel endothelial cells. Archives of Dermatological Research: 292, 279-84, 2000.

13. J.C. Katsantonis, Y. Adler, C. Orfano, Ch. Zouboulis: Adamantiades-Behcet disease: Serum IL-8 is a more reliable marker for disease activity than c-reactive protein and ESR. Dermatology 201, 37-39, 2000. 

14. J C Katsantonis, J Protopsaltis, S. Kokkoris, P. Brestas, K. Aroni, Tournis S., Giannoulis G.: Systemic Sclerosis associated with generalized vasculitis and hypopituiratism. Rheumatology International: 28(11), 1165-8, 2008.

15. J . Protopsaltis, J. C. Katsantonis, S. Kokkoris, E. Agapitos, G. Lavranos, P . Korantzopoulos, Giannoulis G.: Isolated primary cardiac amyloidosis associated with porokeratosis of Mibelli. International Journal of Cardiology: 126 (2), 22-4, 2008.

16. I. Protopsaltis, A. Agelidi, H. J. Milionis, I. Katsantonis et al: More than Skin deep.  American Journal of Medicine: 122 (9), 830-2, 2009

17. I. Protopsaltis, A. Drosou, I. Katsantonis, N. Roussos, K. Manoloudaki, M. Arvanitis, A. Papazafiropoulou, S. Antonopoulos: Breast cancer presenting as paraneoplastic erythroderma. Case Reports in Medicine: 2014-351065

18. Tambouratzi E, Platsidaki E, Grivas T, Katsantonis J.,: An unususal late onset of Icthyosis Hystrix . Skinmed: 2018, 16 (5), 365-7

19. Tampouratzi E, Kanni T, Katsantonis J, Douvali T., “Modified Mercedes flap- an effective reconstructive option for lower leg skin defects” Journal of Dermatological Treatment 2019, 31(6): 649-650

20. Tampouratzi E, Kanni T, Katsantonis J, Douvali T “Treating a combination of hidradenitis suppurativa and psoriasis with different therapeutic approaches [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review]”. F1000Research 2019

21. Tampouratzi E, Kanni T, Kapizioni X, Douvali T, Katsantinis J., “Resistant Atopic Dermatitis Successfully Treated with Omalizumab: Report of 2 Cases.” J Dermatol Surg Res Ther 2019 2(2): 81-83.

22. Tampouratzi E, Kanni T, Katsantonis J, Douvali T., “Psoriasis-COVID 19 Infection: Treatment options” Skinmed. 2020 Mar 1; 18(2):81-82. eCollection 2020


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